As you know, Pork Chop is the inspiration behind the Fluff Trough. On June 20th, he turned 11!
To celebrate his birthday, we had a Quarantine themed birthday party at the house. Everyone wore masks so we could safely celebrate his birthday!
To begin the festivities, we let the party guests attack a pinata filled with dog treats!
This is Pork Chop's sister Tala giving the pinata it's final blow!

We had a doggy carrot cake with peanut butter cream cheese frosting for the dogs. They all got to eat from Fluff Troughs at the party.

We also had a ball pit for the dogs to enjoy. This is Otis, the world's biggest pug, in the ball pit.
Thank you to all of our wonderful friends who joined in the celebration. We had a great time!

Photography by @heatherhurtt